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Never too late

February 15, 2011

Gosh, sorry it has been so long since I've been here...  I really don't know why I haven't managed to keep the blog up to date but my new New Year's Resolution is to do better!

I think some of the reason why I've not written anything is that there is too much to write!  We have been so busy at Mrs Moon... what with appearing on the telly, in The Evening Standard, Home & Gardens etc etc we've hardly had time to think!

We've been thrilled to have lots of new people coming along to our knit-ins on Thursdays at 10.30am (ish).  In particular, we welcome people who make cakes!  There has been a bit of a cake war recently and this is something that Susan and I positively encourage!  It means I have something for lunch if it doesn't all go which is particularly good as at the moment I seem to be eating the same sandwich (emmenthal cheese and ham if you're interested) every single day and it gets a bit boring!

Last week Emily and Susan (not that one) both served up something completely delicious, but Emily went for it, by bringing in TWO cakes one of which was in the shape of a horse... now that really is raising the barre!  Can't wait till tomorrow.

To be honest though, we've needed cake since lovely Robyn headed off back to Adelaide in December.  Things are much quieter without her, but eating is getting us through...


See you soon
